Sunday, August 2, 2009

An Ode To Charles Darwin

This is an ode to Charles Darwin.
We woke to the whirling of the vacuum,
Sucking the life right out of our lonesome dreams.

My brother still asleep beside me,
I turn my head on my yellowed pillow,
And beg for forgiveness.
I see the lines in my palms begin to tangle,
Lifelines filled with tears,
Flowing long to wrists.

Lying here I hear your authority aboard the Beagle
As waves lap like lizards on her hull.
I wonder where you took us, Charlie Darwin,
And wonder how much further we can go
Before all know the truth about us:
That monkeys love their offspring more than we do ours.

We think we know too much, and I fear we're right, Mr. Darwin.
Those lizards on your islands are the smart ones,
Lazing in the sun,
Letting boatloads of teleported tourists
Take pictures for their kitchens.

A film gathered on the Equator,
Forming a hairline of salt between the azure sky and sea,
And in that fine line, somewhere,
All this came to be.

Isn't that it?
I mean, really, isn't that it?

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