Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Cranberry moon

I wish to drink whiskey from dish
Like curious cat wanting truly his own
Cat’s meow.
To be feline sublime like you
To have your tender-eyed, but burning stare
Or that feeling you know more than I can ever
Enjoying watching my pride crumble into rubble
Face down before your feet:
You are the Sphinx
And I am a grain of kitty litter,
Boxed in,
Shat upon.
But the view from here is dear
Because tonight the sky is milk
Lapped dry by your thirst for the entire universe
And the cranberry moon shines, waiting for you
Like umeboshi on rice
Saved for last
Ingested last.
I blow myself round you like the cosmic dust I am
Settling on nothing
No home to call my own
No space
No time
I can call mine.
In awe of it all,
In awe of you.

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